Get the latest FRAs news and resources for the wellbeing of your pet.Resources
Animal Abuse
If you suspect or observe animal abuse, whether it be cats and dogs or even livestock, the first step is to contact local law enforcement.
Microchipping your Pet
Vaccinations & Spay/Neuter
Pet Medical Information
Pet Support Services
Lost/Found Pets & New Intakes
Report on lost and found pets. Also, view animals that have been brought into the animal shelter.
City of Rowlett Lost & Found Pets
City of Garland Lost & Found Pets
Dog Friendly Housing
While we do not have the resources to take your pet in, we have a Rehoming Flyer that provides options you can explore. The button opens a PDF with both English and Spanish versions of the flyer.
We can help market your pet on our Facebook page and in the various Pet Portals like Adopt-a-Pet. This is called a Courtesy Post. You would continue to have your pet at home, but the public would be able to review the photos and information while looking for their pawfect pet!
Surrendering Your Pet
While some may feel that there are always options other than taking your pet to a shelter, we know that there are times that you have no other choice.
Dallas Pets Alive
East Lake Pet Orphanage
Humane Society of Dallas County
Operation Kindness
SPCA of Texas
These resources are not affiliated with FRAs. They can help you with many things, and there are other groups that are not listed here that can help as well.
How you can help

