How Are Donations Used?

We are always striving to do more for the homeless dogs and cats in our community, and part of that effort is being very careful with donated funds.

95% of our DONATIONS have always been used directly for Animal Care & Adoption Support.   Unfortunately all groups have some overhead and operational expenses that are required to function, and we are trying to establish separate income streams to cover those expenses.

Friends of Rowlett Animals:

Covers the costs of Heartworm treatments after an animal is adopted, at our contracted vets office.
Provides for Spay/Neuter for many of the Feral cats in our barn program.
Arranges for special needs animals including additional veterinary care & foster care support
When needed, we find and pay for suitable boarding & training to get a dog ready for a permanent home placement.
FRAs also sponsors community activities for pets and their owners and assist with keep the community informed on the importance of yearly vaccinations, registration and even local animal news.
We also bring our adoptable animals to various school & business events held in the Rowlett area.

This is what we spent your donations on!

2015 Expenditures

Veterinary                    $18,407.00

Boarding – Training       $ 1,100.00
Foster Care – Exp.       $   336.00
Obedience training       $  156.00
Transport – Rescue       $     8.00
Adoption & promotional  $ 666.00


Legal Fees $180.00
Office Supplies $72.00
Accounting Fees $450.00
Rent / Lease     $62.00There were many other services and
operational expenses donated to us last year.

Don’t you get all your money from adoption fees?

  • Adoption fees for animals Adopted at the City Shelter go to the City of Rowlett, not to FRAs.
  • Besides some Offsite Adoption Income*, FRAs only income comes from our supporters generous donations and various fundraising events.


  • *Offsite adoption income:
  • If FRAs pulls a cat and does all of the vetting for the cat then the adoption fee goes to us (Petsmart cats, fee is $50). However it costs us at least $100 per cat to vet.
  • If a sterilized & fully vaccinated animal is adopted from an offsite adoption event then we get the fee (we usually only charge $25). This does NOT apply to unsterilized animals as they have to go back to the shelter to fill out paperwork there and so the shelter receives the adoption fee.

 9 easy ways to make donations!  

Friends of Rowlett Animals (FRAs) is an all volunteer NON PROFIT 501 (c) (3) Texas organization founded in 2004.

FRAs is NOT run by the City of Rowlett!  We are an independent all volunteer organization and receive no funding from the city.