Trap, Neuter, Return
TNR is the mainstream approach to caring for outdoor cats in communities nationwide.Our TNR Program
Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) is the humane effective approach for community cats. During TNR, cats are humanely trapped, taken to a veterinarian to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, ear-tipped, and returned to their outdoor homes. Anyone can do it!
Watch the videos below to learn more! Once you’re ready to get started, register as a colony manager.
Friends of Rescue Animals can assist by loaning traps ($50 deposit per trap is required) and we can occasionally offer vouchers for spay/neuter fees. We do not have the resources to trap and transport the cats to sterilization appointments.
There are two low-cost spay/neuter clinics nearby that we recommend, TCAP and SNN. Pro tip! Be sure to get there 30-45 minutes early to ensure you do not get turned away, as each clinic has a maximum number of feral cats they can accept each day.
Questions? Send us an email.

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